Welcome to Rahul's website.

I Created a Blog!

This is sort of like a test for my blog. I created my website with the help of HTML, CSS and a little JS. This is my first blog in my first website. This is not perticularly a blog in my opinion. I am just sharing my expirence in it. In this blog I will tell about the whole process which I do to make this website and this blog.

How I created it?

So, I created the website by using HTML,CSS and JS. If you have any knowlidge about them just let me know about it. In the first step I simple create a home page with the help of HTML. After that I do some styling with CSS. which include padding, color, text formate, etc.After that i simply add the links of my social network sites like Instagram, facebook, and also my GitHub account. I also added some lists which show my recommendations and the stuff i do and my hobbies etc.

I also take some help from my friend. I also want to tell you about him. His name is Vidhu and he is my very good friend. I want to give him a shoutout for his hard work and thank him for helping me. He also have a website you can check it just bu clicking on his name given below.

Vidhu Kant Sharma

At last I want to end this blog. Thank for visiting my site.